“The Inherent Gentleman is looking for a full-service in-person or online experience that supports dressing well, without sacrificing quality. He wants to present himself confidently to the world, but is fed up with the traditional transactional retail relationship.”
Our deepest gratitude to Regard Magazine for this feature with our Founder and CEO Taylor Draper which can be found in their January 2021 issue.
Taylor Draper - Restoring The Heart of the Gentleman: Designer Profile as seen in Regard Magazine

You're the founder of Inherent Clothier, a high-end, luxury bespoke menswear line. This is a recent venture. What can you tell us about your background and how it led you into fashion design for men?
I've always had a passion for truly great design. My journey into menswear began about 5 years ago, when I was busy running my own internet marketing company. I noticed that dressing well brought me a strong sense of confidence as a business owner. During times of intense stress or anxiety, clothing was the only thing giving me any sort of joy, opening the door for me to confidently go out into the world and face my problems. Curious about this phenomenon, I commissioned some studies to see if dressing well, truly had an effect on overcoming depression, anxiety, and a litany of other mental health struggles. It turns out there are plenty of sclent1fic studies proving that dressing confidently can directly help a person achieve feelings of high self-esteem. Clothing opened the door for me to turn many aspects of my work and personal life around. In a culture where I was told to "man up" or "be a man"
(which led me to stuff my feelings down), I truly felt th1s was a message I needed to share with the world. I decided to create my own custom clothing line, Inherent Clothier, with a distinctive purpose: to help men dress well for higher self-confidence, while providing a platform for mental wellness resources and a safe place to discuss emotional challenges. I dove headfirst into the world of sartorial arts, spending 12-plus hours daily for months, designing bespoke menswear and suits from top quality fabrics.
I had the privilege of learning alongside incredible fabric mill staff and experienced tailors around the world who believed in me and the mission of this novel menswear brand.
Prior to getting into the fashion business, which designers and brands inspired you and motivated you to get on the path you're currently on?
A YouTube channel called "He Spoke Style" became one of the most formative resources early in my journey. At that point, I knew enough about men's style to know what sort of collection I wanted to create - distinctive, quality pieces for the discerning gentleman. The history of the world's most elite luxury menswear brands intrigued me, leading me to research more about industry-shaping designers like Rubinacci from Italy, Michael Browne from Savile Row England, Mark Cho of the Armoury in Hong Kong, and Jason Locust from Real Black Menswear designers known for their celebration of cultural diversity through fine clothing.
The business of fashion is highly competitive and is not for the faint of heart. What are some of the challenges that keep you on your toes and how have you managed and even overcome some of these hurdles?
One of the main challenges for any designer is distinguishing themselves in the marketplace. Fortunately, Inherent Clothier stands out from most other fashion labels because of our foundational mission: creating custom clothing with the purpose of promoting and supporting men's mental wellness. There's no other brand doing exactly what we're doing, working to simultaneously restore the heart of the gentleman through impeccable tailoring while providing men with a safe space to talk about emotional challenges. I'm not ignoring what other custom clothiers are doing. Instead, by looking at their designs from a wider perspective, that we're all helping men dress better for themselves, the work feels much more fun and less cutthroat.
Your brand provides quality fabric and superior fit. What kind of gentleman is looking for Inherent Clothier?
The Inherent gentleman is looking for a full-service in-person or on line experience that supports dressing well, without sacrificing quality. He wants to present himself confidently to the world, but Is fed up with the traditional transactional retail relationship. He wants his dollars to go further than lining someone's pocket. 10% of all of our profits go to the Inherent Foundation, which works to "break the status quo on men's mental wellbeing."
What are some exciting collaborations that you've done so far, which speaks to the progress of the brand?
We most recently collaborated with visionary fashion tastemaker Janie Bryant, the Emmy-award winning costume designer behind "Mad Men." She reached out to us shortly after we launched, and together we've created the Bryant Draper capsule collection. We've also had the privilege of partnering with Movember, a non-profit organization working to support men's mental health progress. I'm thrilled about our 2021 lineup ... stay tuned to our brand!
Now that you've acquired some experience in the trenches, what advice would you give the younger version of yourself?
Trust yourself. Don't allow others to influence you too much. Keep working hard, enjoy the wins (big and little) along the way, ahd allow yourself to celebrate every small step of progress. One day you'll look up and be miles from where you started.
What advice would you give to up-and-coming designers seeking to blaze a trail similar to yours?
Ask yourself: how can I benefit society as a whole with my designs? Aim to work for the greater good in some capacity, whether big or small.
Thank you for taking the time to speak with us and sharing some of your experiences as a fashion designer. What projects do you have coming up for Inherent Clothier in the near future?
We have a number of upcoming projects that I can't wait to unveil in the next year, including creative collaborations, the opening of two brick-and-mortar locations, and the addition of some exciting Inherent gentleman membership options. We're truly on our way to becoming a complete lifestyle brand with some really great outfits and styling products.

lnstagram: @TaylorJDraper
Twitter: @TaylorJDraper
Facebook: Taylor.Draper